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Luigi Tenco (Cassine21 March 1938 - San Remo27 January 1967), was an Italian singer, musician, songwriter, and actor.

Life Course[Edit][]

Luigi Tenco was born out of an extramarital affair by his Mother Theresa, a waitress at the very wealthy family Micca in Turin, and their sixteen-year-old son Ferdinand (1921-1983). She was immediately fired and returned to Cassine and there got the infant (Luigi) the name of her husband, Giuseppe Tenco, who under onklare conditions died before Luigi was born.

He spent his youth mainly in the region of Cassine and Ricaldone, but in 1948, his family moved to Liguria. First they stayed in Nervi and later they went live in Gênes , where his mother started a wine shop.

In 1953, he founded a music group, the Jelly Roll Boys Jazz Band. They spent mainly songs of Nat King Cole and Kid Ory. [1]


In 1967 he together with Dalida, with whom he had engaged earlier that year, participated in the Sanremo Music Festival with the song " Ciao amore ciao. The winner wasGianni Pettenati, they won second place. This defeat discouraged Luigi Tenco completely. That same evening he was still in his room (No. 219) at the Hotel Savoy found dead by Dalida. It was suicide using a bullet through his head. Later it was found in his room a note with the following words:

«I wanted nothing but the good for the Italian public and I have five years of my life dedicated to them. I do this not because I life am tired (not at all), but I have been doing this as a protest against an audience that ' Io tu e le rose ' to the finals against a Commission which steers and ' La rivoluzione "option. I hope this will do the eyes open. Ciao. Luigi.» [2]

In imitation of this suicide Dalida on 26 February 1967 tried to commit suicide with an overdose.

Although Luigi had purchased a pistol the year before for its self defense, there were many decades doubts about the exact cause of death, among other things because the bullet with which he was killed was never recovered. Therefore it was decided in 2005 to dig up the body to perform new tests that would be able to give a definitive answer once and for all. These tests showed that the only right cause of death was suicide, and thereby became on 15 February 2006 the case closed for good.


  • La Cuccagna (1962; Luciano Salce) as Guiliano
  • 008 Operazione Ritmo (1965; Tullio Piacentini)
  • Questo pazzo, pazzo mondo della canzone (1965; Bruno Corbucci and Giovanni Grimaldi) as himself